Other things going on: Deb likes clowns as much as Haley dislikes them. (And I mean likes them.)
Lindsey came for the party but really just wanted to collect the rest of her things from Lucas' and leave him the spare key she had. How sad. Some advice for Lindsey, cut all the ties. Don't edit his book.
Millicent has turned the bachelor's pad into some kind of human habitat. Whatever will the boys do? Oh, I know. Try living like normal people for once.
Hmmm, Peyton and Skillz? Interesting how close they seem to have become. Is it just friendship or is there something else blossoming there? I for one would love to see that develop into something.
Dan is dying. I gotta say, I feel about as much sympathy as Nathan. Hasn't he always had the heart condition? So shouldn't he have been prepared for something like this? Oh GOD, something else just occurred to me. Lucas has HCM also. Surely Lucas will be okay. Do you suppose he's safe with the medication he's on? Maybe Dan never took the meds. Maybe being in prison caused the deterioration. GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WORK WITH HERE!
Now we just wait for the announcement that Haley is pregnant again. Estoy esperando. . .
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