I was watching the Sunday re-broadcast of the season finale, and I noticed something I had forgotten about. Something which disturbs me a great deal. Mia mentioned to Peyton that someone--a man who apparently had known Ellie--approached her and asked about Peyton. Then right before Lucas came to Peyotn to apologize for what he said (and the whole "it's hard" conversation took place), Peyton was talking with Mia on the phone and we heard Peyton say, "The same guy who said he knew Ellie? Tell him to call me." (Or something like that.)
So what disturbs me is this: What if, and I say with with all due hesitation, it isn't Peyton? What if Lucas called Lindsey to propose? What if the phone call Peyton got was from the guy who knew Ellie? What if my world is crumbling as we speak? OR what if it was just a ruse?
Oh Mark, you are diabolical.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
cliff-hangers make me want to jump off a cliff
In a bar, shirtless, drinking with a dog.
Throwing water balloons at Girl Scouts.
Waking up with a bunny.
Waking up with a mohawk.
There are no answers in the darkness.
Wait for it, wait for it... Splash!
The walk of shame.
Angie's going home.
Q's doing the pushing.
Nobody's scared.
What rhymes with "I hate you bitch, you ruined my life"?
The book's done.
If you're going to kill me, do it in person.
Jumping in feet first.
A life for a life.
A comet sighting at the Rivercourt.
To all those lost souls who have forgotten to believe...
Decisions, decisions.
Watch and be... amazed.
I'm say-your-name.
Skinny arms and tangled hair.
How hard is it?
Ask and ye shall be given.
Big Daddy Scott.
You could get yourself killed.
Two tickets to Las Vegas.
When does the new season start?
Lucas cannot pull off the shit-faced drunk who may or may not be hallucinating. At all.
Throwing water balloons at Girl Scouts.
Really, Peyton? If it didn't make you feel better the first 80 times, then stop already. Corny.
Waking up with a bunny.
Cute, but probably leaving bunny "pellets" all over the sheets.
Waking up with a mohawk.
This was probably my favorite part of the show. Awesome hair. However, if it's really gonna be punk like Haley said, it should be multi-colored. Or at least green.
There are no answers in the darkness.
It's about time Nathan was the reasonable, mature brother handing down life advice to a screwed-up Lucas. He's been through enough that he should be able to write an effing book.
Wait for it, wait for it... Splash!
I really thought it was going to be some kind of running-a-red-light thing. Really.
The walk of shame.
Oh, wow. What can you say about Deb. If it was my mom, I'd probably vomit. I guess Nathan's got enough else going on. You know, she really did used to be normal. Maybe all the pills messed up her brain.
Angie's going home.
We knew it was coming, right? (sniff) I'm okay, it's just something in my eye.
Q's doing the pushing.
He plays the wise old baller quite well, actually. Maybe he can help Nathan figure out what's holding him back. ('Cause I sure as hell don't know.)
Nobody's scared.
Jamie's not scared of water, Nathan's not scared of playing again, Brooke's not scared of giving Angie up, and Haley's not scared of going back to music. And if you believe that, I've got a bridge you might be interested in. Cheap.
What rhymes with "I hate you bitch, you ruined my life"?
Um, you might not want to lead with that. Peyton looks pretty good for someone who just had her heart ripped out and stomped on. Maybe she knows he didn't really mean it.
The book's done.
And so are we, isn't that what you mean Lindsey? She's like a bad taste that just won't go away no matter how much you brush. Blech.
If you're going to kill me, do it in person.
I'm guessing that's why she came all the way from NY to tell him something that she could have put in a letter. Something that he already knew. Something that probably didn't even need to be said. Good-bye.
Jumping in feet first.
Go Jamie! Go Nathan! What a couple of guys!
A life for a life.
So since he was nice enough to spare the reverend's life, does that mean he gets to live? I always thought NOT killing someone was kind of expected, not something to be rewarded. We'll see, I guess.
A comet sighting at the Rivercourt.
Wow. Just wow. That is some fancy artwork there, Peyton. Hmm, I wonder what it's supposed to symbolize? No, don't tell me, I'll figure it out eventually.... Gosh that's a tough one.
To all those lost souls who have forgotten to believe...
He totally stole that from Peyton! OMG! WTF! He loves her! I knew it! It's Peyton! It's Peyton! It's Peyton!
Decisions, decisions.
Yeah, right. It's Peyton.
Watch and be... amazed.
Those f&#%ers don't deserve Mouth.
I'm say-your-name.
Nice to meet you, say-your-name. Can you say "duh"?
Skinny arms and tangled hair.
THAT YOU LOVE... It's Peyton.
How hard is it?
he he he... Sorry. Juvenile, I know.
Ask and ye shall be given.
Just don't forget, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Big Daddy Scott.
Nathan is such a good father. It occurs to me that we're not going to have a baby announcement before the end of the show like I'd hoped, so I'm putting you on notice, Mark. I expect a baby next season, and if I don't get one I'm going to be very upset.
You could get yourself killed.
I told you so.
Two tickets to Las Vegas.
Duh-duh-dunnnn... Don't tell me you don't get by now. It's Peyton. OF COURSE IT'S PEYTON. It's Peyton.
Brooke gets a call that she's getting a baby or that Millie is moving to Nebraska; Lindsey gets a call that she's dying of a horrible face-eating disease; and Peyton gets a call from Lucas asking her to marry him in Vegas, and if she doesn't say yes he'll jump off a bridge. Oh wait, that's me.
When does the new season start?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
cruel, cruel summer
Well, I can't believe it, but the season finale is coming up next week. What am I going to do on Monday nights?
I suppose there's always baseball, but still...
Anyway, I intend to keep blogging my most inane thoughts about the show, but it will center more around my fantasies about the next season or what I hope the characters are doing over the break.
P.S.--If we don't find out that Haley is preggers before they cut for summer, I might have a meltdown. (Not that I'm all that mentally stable as it is.)
I suppose there's always baseball, but still...
Anyway, I intend to keep blogging my most inane thoughts about the show, but it will center more around my fantasies about the next season or what I hope the characters are doing over the break.
P.S.--If we don't find out that Haley is preggers before they cut for summer, I might have a meltdown. (Not that I'm all that mentally stable as it is.)
Monday, May 12, 2008
hate's a strong word, don't ya think?

OH..oh..oh! What if, WHAT IF Lucas didn't mean "you ruined my life by ruining my relationship with Lindsey", but rather, "you ruined my life by saying 'no' to my proposal and breaking my heart"??? Of course, Peyton won't realize that. Maybe Lucas doesn't even recognize it! I can't take the anticipation...
Number TWO: I knew that Haley should have buried that card if she was going to throw it in the kitchen trash. Jamie may be a kid, but he's not an idiot.
Number THREE: I want to stab out my eyes with a spoon. Deb's behavior gets more disturbing every minute, and if she wasn't family, she'd be on the street. Or worse.
And just to clarify, I'm NOT AT ALL okay with her and Skillz doing what they were doing. I was really hoping for a Peyton-Skillz hook-up. Who's with me? (Skatin'. Get it?)
In other news:
Mia is back!
Cute doctor Ethan is really cute.
Brooke is really good at fake-crying.
Lucas has an angry streak that I knew nothing about.
Haley IS going to make the right choice. I can feel it.
Peyton needs to move on. Lucas needs to move on. They need to move on together.
Nathan can act like an out-of-shape old fart all he wants, but I know the truth. True buffness can't be hidden.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
don't call it a comeback
I just (finally) watched the latest episode of OTH and I gotta say that I'm having mixed feelings about the whole "Dan is dying" situation. I thought I was on-board with Nathan rejecting him and Lucas telling him to go die alone, but now... well, I just wonder if it's the right decision. Will Jamie be irreparably scarred? Will Nathan regret his choice after it's too late? Will Lucas EVER realize he's in love with Peyton? Oh, sorry. But seriously, will he?
Brooke is doing great with the baby all of a sudden. How did that happen? I guess I should be glad she hasn't sent her back yet. Oh, and CUTE DOCTOR ALERT. Do I sense a certain chemistry between Brooke and the hottie doctor? Could I?
Peyton hadn't ever read the book??? With all she knows, all she feels, she never got around to reading what could turn out to be incontrovertible proof that Lucas is MADLY IN LOVE WITH HER? I need a minute to wrap my brain around this.
Okay. Q is becoming a much nicer person to be around. I knew all he needed was a little support. I get the feeling he doesn't have a lot of that going on at home. Of course, he's not as cute as Nathan, but they have a lot in common. It'll be nice to see them spending some time together and helping each other get back on track.
Mouth got his big opportunity, almost blew it, and then was rescued by Millie, whom I am loving more very minute. Oh yeah, and Mouth loves her too. I really think that they need to move out on their own.
p.s.--I'm still waiting to hear about the new Scott baby-to-be.
Brooke is doing great with the baby all of a sudden. How did that happen? I guess I should be glad she hasn't sent her back yet. Oh, and CUTE DOCTOR ALERT. Do I sense a certain chemistry between Brooke and the hottie doctor? Could I?
Peyton hadn't ever read the book??? With all she knows, all she feels, she never got around to reading what could turn out to be incontrovertible proof that Lucas is MADLY IN LOVE WITH HER? I need a minute to wrap my brain around this.
Okay. Q is becoming a much nicer person to be around. I knew all he needed was a little support. I get the feeling he doesn't have a lot of that going on at home. Of course, he's not as cute as Nathan, but they have a lot in common. It'll be nice to see them spending some time together and helping each other get back on track.
Mouth got his big opportunity, almost blew it, and then was rescued by Millie, whom I am loving more very minute. Oh yeah, and Mouth loves her too. I really think that they need to move out on their own.
p.s.--I'm still waiting to hear about the new Scott baby-to-be.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The posts below are all from my other blog, but I decided to separate topics and start a blog specifically for my OTH obsession.
birthday party at the Scott house
Other things going on: Deb likes clowns as much as Haley dislikes them. (And I mean likes them.)
Lindsey came for the party but really just wanted to collect the rest of her things from Lucas' and leave him the spare key she had. How sad. Some advice for Lindsey, cut all the ties. Don't edit his book.
Millicent has turned the bachelor's pad into some kind of human habitat. Whatever will the boys do? Oh, I know. Try living like normal people for once.
Hmmm, Peyton and Skillz? Interesting how close they seem to have become. Is it just friendship or is there something else blossoming there? I for one would love to see that develop into something.
Dan is dying. I gotta say, I feel about as much sympathy as Nathan. Hasn't he always had the heart condition? So shouldn't he have been prepared for something like this? Oh GOD, something else just occurred to me. Lucas has HCM also. Surely Lucas will be okay. Do you suppose he's safe with the medication he's on? Maybe Dan never took the meds. Maybe being in prison caused the deterioration. GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WORK WITH HERE!
Now we just wait for the announcement that Haley is pregnant again. Estoy esperando. . .
hurry up and wait

Millicent's a virgin, but that's not too big a surprise. The surprise is that she's moving in with Mouth and he gave up an actual on-air job to stay with her, and I can't remember them ever going on a date...
Quentin is intentionally pushing away the 2 people who are truly in his corner, but why? There's got to be some deep emotional scarring going on with that boy. But seriously, Nathan couldn't take his ribbing? I think having Dan back around is affecting him more than he knows, and his long-hidden insecurities are resurfacing. Dan always could bring out the worst in Nathan.
I almost cried when Haley said "Haley James Scott" to Peyton. How can she seriously be thinking about recording again? Nothing good can come of this.
Lucas still hasn't seen the light. I'll just keep waiting.
Peyton is in avoid mode, again. It seems like she's spent half her life avoiding Lucas (and the other half pushing him away).
so, here's what happened

Nathan and Haley DID get professional help with their relationship--a very snotty, ridiculous woman with a VERY fake English accent--and have resumed sharing a bed (and bodily fluids) yea!
Brooke made an excellent case why her mother should have been sterilized as an adolescent, and a less-than-excellent case why she herself would make a good mother. Now I know as well as you that there's no REAL reason why Brooke wouldn't make a good parent, but she seemed to have no idea what the adoption agent was looking for. For God's sake, there's a full bar sitting out, and she doesn't even have a nursery yet! Oh, and TURN OFF THE PHONE, Brooke.
Peyton had a heart-to-heart with Max, the record store guy whose existence still confuses me, and discovered that she still does love Lucas (duh) and is a big pathetic mess.
Lindsey is going to edit Lucas's book? What? I understand Lucas's point--he wants her back (because he hasn't yet realized what he really wants or why he feels so conflicted)--but what about Lindsey? She KNOWS what Lucas's agenda is, even if he doesn't. She KNOWS he still loves Peyton. She KNOWS she has absolutely no chance at a future with him. Sheesh. What is she thinking?
Lucas had a very strange talk with Andy that I believe was supposed to mirror the conversation between Peyton and Max, but seemed kind of forced and, um WRONG. So first, Nathan's telling Lucas to go after Lindsey, and now Andy? Hello? Haven't these people been PAYING ATTENTION? (And HELLO! Peyton totally stuck up for Nathan when Haley went AWOL, so he should return the favor. In other words, he should encourage Lucas to listen to his heart instead of his pride. Now there's something Nathan knows a little something about.) I'll bet Karen wasn't in the episode because she gets it. She knows Lucas still loves Peyton, and she would have told him so. (And speaking of people not in the episode.... Mouth, Skillz, Millicent, Owen... They're still on the show, right?)
Dan is creepy. Pervy? No. Just scary and REALLY irritating (and apparently still rich). The boys fighting him was crazy pathetic, and his hanging around is even worse. Yeah, okay, THANKS, I suppose, for rescuing Jaime, but we're done now and you can go. Buh-bye.
it's been a long time, but . . .
There's a new episode of One Tree Hill tomorrow night. Yippee! And even better than finally having a new ep? Having it on a night when the Cardinals are off so that I don't have to choose which to watch and which to tape. Know what I mean?
Apparently Naley are going to be working on their relationship with a little professional help, Brooke is trying to convince the powers-that-be that she would be a good mother, and Peyton decides once and for all that she's going to have Lucas or die trying. Oh, and Lucas and Nathan beat the crap out of Dan, but I've seen the clip and it really wasn't all that impressive.
What I really wanted to see in this ep was Carrie getting her skin burned off with acid. Oh, and Lindsey falling off a cliff. And Owen and Brooke finally getting down to it. And Victoria and her flying monkeys going back to munchkin land.
But I'll take what I can get.
Apparently Naley are going to be working on their relationship with a little professional help, Brooke is trying to convince the powers-that-be that she would be a good mother, and Peyton decides once and for all that she's going to have Lucas or die trying. Oh, and Lucas and Nathan beat the crap out of Dan, but I've seen the clip and it really wasn't all that impressive.
What I really wanted to see in this ep was Carrie getting her skin burned off with acid. Oh, and Lindsey falling off a cliff. And Owen and Brooke finally getting down to it. And Victoria and her flying monkeys going back to munchkin land.
But I'll take what I can get.
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